GRANATÄPPLE / POMEGRANATE //   2 or 3  colours, test with overprint effect for extra colour -  sketch for repeated textile pattern.  Can be both a bold and brave pattern in a large size - or a small almost dotted surface pattern in a small size.
VILD BJÖRNLOKA  /  WILD LOKA //  1 or 2  colours, large and bold pattern. sketch for pattern on 150 cm width for repeated textile pattern.
PURJOLÖK / LEEK //   repeated 2 coloured pattern. artwork: handdrawn in blue ink.
FIKON BLAD  /  FIGLEAVES  //  Idea for repeated pattern, repeats both horisontally and vertical. sketches in 1-colour, Original is a paper cut motive. I see the pattern as a small surface pattern.
RICE  //  Idea for repeated pattern, negative and positive, original painted with ink.
SKY  //  Idea for repeated pattern, repeats vertical. Test with overprint colours. 3 colours. can be both bold & brave or a small dotted surface pattern.
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