LOGO + CONCEPT // New Logotype for over 100 year old association for handicraft in region Östergötland, Sweden. " HEMSLÖJDEN I ÖSTERGÖTLAND". Hemslöjden preserves and conveys the interest in handicraft in the region. Hemlöjden i Östergötland Holds courses in hard and soft handicraft, both for skilled craftsmen /women, beginners and for children. Offers Consultation and have a store and workshop in Linköping. All under the same name and logotype.
The logo has its orgin in a handle on local wooden mangle board. The handle is shaped like a horse. In the logo the "horses" are standing up and reflected - making a symbol - a tool with a heart inside, for the love of making crafts by hand.
Concept and implementation for for the store is red colour logo. For the asscociation is grey / black
STATIONARY // in grey and black for the association
STATIONARY & PRODUCTS FOR THE STORE // in red for the store and contact with costumers, stamps for paperbag, stickers, and the "negative" form from the logo, shapes a heart, apploied on cards and small stickers for package string in the store.
POSTER // " The handicraft association grows" a play with the logotype, for courses and workshops.